
Transgenic mouse lines


Mouse line Availability Reference genotyping primers


Jackson Laboratory

Stock 008241


Zhu et al., Development 2008

DsRedF: 5′-ccgaggacgtcatcaagg


DsRedR: 5′-gagccgtactggaactgg


Product: 196 bp



Jackson Laboratory

stock 008533

Zhu et al., Development 2008

Note: breed through females only

CreF37: 5′-ccgtacaccaaaatttgcc


CreR238: 5′-atcgcgaacatcttcagg


Product: 202 bp

NG2creERTMBAC Jackson Laboratory

stock 008538

Zhu et al., Development 2011 Same as for NG2creBAC


Optimized fixation for NG2 and PDGFRα immunofluorescence


To preserve NG2 and PDGFRα antigen for immunofluorescence, it is important not to overfix the tissue.

Perfuse animals with 4% paraformaldehyde in PLP (periodate-lysine-paraformaldehyde) fixative at room temperature.  For surface antigents, 3% paraformaldehyde works better.  With 2% antigen is preserved better but tissue is soft and difficult to handle, especially CNS tissue from young animals.


See Mori et al., 2009 for an illustration of the effects of PFA concentration on NG2 immunofluorescence signal



Sources of antibodies for detecting NG2 and PDGFRα on mouse tissue

Anti-NG2 antibodies

  1. EMD Millipore AB5320 rabbit anti-NG2 chondroitin sulfate proteoglycan antibody, 1:500 dilution on cultures and fixed mouse and rat brain tissue


Anti-DGFRα antibodies

  1. R&D Systems, AF1062, goat anti-mouse PDGFRα antibody 1:2000 dilution, good for fixed mouse brain tissue
  2. BD Sciences, 558774, CD140a rat monoclonal anti-mouse PDGFRα antibody, IgG2a